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This past few months, I had the opportunity to intern at All-Star Academy (After School Enrichment Program for K-8th graders), which gave me a chance to lead a small class of kids, and experience as a teacher. I had to assist to help kids reach their full academic potential, and teach the kids problem solving skills to help them gain confidence in their ability to learn new concepts. 

Log #1

Today was my first day at the internship, and it was also my first working experience, I was happy, scared, and nervous at the sametime. Once I steped into the door, I had to find a teacher named Edward, and luckly he was a really friendly guy, which calmed me down a little bit. He introduced me to his partner Susanna, and she was really friendly as well. Today was going pretty well so far, once the clock hits 3:30, I heard a bunch of kids starting to come into the classroom, Suanna and Edward also introduced me to them. It is finally 3:40, which is work time, the whole classroom became super quiet, but it didn't last long. The teachers will have to tell them to be quiet, but if they keep on messing around they will ask them to either stand outside of the door, or go to Maria's office( Manager), and for some kids that did a really good job on their work or they were focus on their homework the whole time, they will award them with candies, the kids love them. We went to the gym around 4 o'clock, and we all had fun, it was definely the highlight of the internship so far. After 15 minutes, we had to go back to the classroom and start working again, thats basically how the day went, it was pretty satisfying, I got to know new friends, and helped a few kids with math problems. The whole program ends at 6 o'clock, and after that I went home, and really looking forward for Wednesday.  

Log #2

Few weeks through my internship, and I have been really enjoying every second of it, I adapted to the enviroment, I know every single kids name, and I'm really feeling like this is my second family. There is that one kid that really impresses me, he is only a second grader, and he knows highschool math, he never asked for help on math questions, there is something with him and math. So one day, I just reviewed all my algebra homework from 8th grade, so I can just teach him how to do them, so he can have a head start. In the past weeks, I have learned a lot from the kids, and the teachers, I learned how to be responsible, and I also relearned algebra, geometry, and all the basic maths, which is a really good practice since I have a upcoming ELM test. But my favorite is stil the same, GYM time, it is a really good time to get to know more about the students and the teachers, we can play basketball together or just have a small conversation. Usually around 5:30 we will bring the kids to the play room, which they can play games and relax. 

Log #3

This is the last day of my internship here, I'm pretty sure I will be back really soon, I have to stop here  because I have a lot of school work to catch up, but it won't be long until I go back as a teacher. The past few months, I have learned a lot from the students, and teachers, I learned how to be patient, be responsible about my action, because there will always be people that look up to you. I learned how to lead a class, leadership is going to be really important later in my future, to be honest, I have never thought of being a teacher one day, but after my experience at All-Star Academy, I really like the feeling of being a teacher, teaching and learning at the sametime, I enjoyed every second of this, and I will never forget what I learned from my internship.   


Monday,3~6 p.m

Wednesday 2~6 p.m


3/14 to 4/13 (still going)

Total Hours:28+

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